I just saw the word---
Posted by
freesong on 9/28/2010, 12:29 am
And couldn't resist:
According to Crown Weather there is : " a very complex and fairly unusual tropical weather pattern that is going to unfold this week across the Caribbean.....there is interaction between the remnants of MATTHEW, a monsoonal low pressure system, and "energy" ADVECTING (yup--that's the word you were using JAC!)
(transferring heat by horizontal currents of air) from the Pacific..
" It is feared that this "mess" can spawn two or more tropical cyclones all of which will trek off to Florida. For more information read The Caribbean Sea of Confusion on Crown Weather Tropical Discussion. |
In this thread:
PGI50L - Daughter of Matthew -
9/27/2010, 6:45 am- I just saw the word--- - freesong, 9/28/2010, 12:29 am
- You were correct Jac - ArgosyTn, 9/27/2010, 11:20 am
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