Just when you though it might be safe to go into the water...
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hurricanephilip on 10/23/2010, 9:47 pm
TS Richard is strengthening a bit this evening as i though if we had no increase by this evening it would have been on a downward spiral. anyway its up to about 55-60 knots at the surface or about 65mph and the system is very disorganized. we will just have to wait and see if the recon or the NHC decides to increase this to a cat 1 storm or keep it a TS this evening??? I do believe that land interaction will hinder any increase past cat 1 in fact i dont think this will ever make it past 75 or 85 mph we will have to see how it interacts with land.....upper air has become a bit more favorable-now will the ridge to the N push the system more along the coast??? or out towards Belize??? I do think it will remain just off the Honduran coast and remain a strong TS or a modest cat 1 at best!!! then its slow death begins over upr. ctr. amer. it may push into the GOM but conditions are much too unfavorable and we have like 5 days to watch it yet. This should still be no threat to the USA at all!! yours Phil N. Met.
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Just when you though it might be safe to go into the water... - hurricanephilip, 10/23/2010, 9:47 pm
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