Posted by
JAC on 2/26/2011, 7:52 am
The northeastern limb of the sun is peppered with sunspots, photographed during the early hours of Feb. 26th by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory:
On Feb. 24th, the scatter of small spots in the foreground unleashed a spectacular M3-class solar flare.
How did such a puny group of spots produce such a potent explosion?
The region has an complex "beta-gamma" magnetic field that harbors energy for strong flares.
It's actually more likely to produce explosions than the larger yet simpler sunspot above and behind it.
NOAA forecasters estimate a 50% chance of more M-flares during the next 24 hours.
In this thread:
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2/23/2011, 6:11 am- Ordinary Compasses Thrown Off by Changes in Earth's Magnetic Field - JAC, 2/26/2011, 8:21 am
- EASTERN SUNSPOTS - JAC, 2/26/2011, 7:52 am
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- Whoa! - JAC, 2/24/2011, 9:28 am
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- Ionospheric Precursors of Earthquakes; Recent Advances in Theory - JAC, 2/23/2011, 6:54 am
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