Re: Geomagnetic Sudden Impulse Warning
Posted by
JAC on 3/29/2011, 2:36 pm
I am sure that was a rhetorical question.
There is a floating x'mitter which I heard is docked at Pearl at the moment that is coming on-line.
Spent about $1B on it.
Could be a shake-out test for it coming up.
All quiet out of AK.
In this thread:
Geomagnetic Sudden Impulse Warning -
3/29/2011, 1:12 pm- HF Attenuation starting to pickup - JAC, 3/30/2011, 3:26 pm
- Total Electron Content - JAC, 3/30/2011, 2:53 pm
- Update from Mike on Compass Movement - JAC, 3/30/2011, 2:20 pm
- Huge CME - JAC, 3/30/2011, 5:48 am
- AK Magnetometer - JAC, 3/30/2011, 5:42 am
- Compasses are going Insane - JAC, 3/30/2011, 5:36 am
- Are the Earths magnetic field anomalies increasing - JAC, 3/30/2011, 5:35 am
- Re: Geomagnetic Sudden Impulse Warning - ArgosyTn, 3/29/2011, 1:46 pm
- Looks like field max is North Sumatra and Malyasia Area 5N 100E - JAC, 3/29/2011, 1:27 pm
- AK Magnetometers - JAC, 3/29/2011, 1:19 pm
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