IAEA Update
Posted by
JAC on 3/29/2011, 4:18 pm
On Tuesday, 29 March 2011, the IAEA provided the following briefing on the current status of nuclear safety in Japan:
1. Current Situation
The situation at the Fukushima Daiichi plant remains very serious.
Accumulated contaminated water was found in trenches located close to the turbine buildings of Units 1 to 3. Dose rates at the surface of this water were 0.4 millisieverts/hour for Unit 1 and over 1 000 millisieverts/hour for Unit 2 as of 18:30 UTC on 26 March. The Nuclear Safety Commission of Japan suggests that higher activity in the water discovered in the Unit 2 turbine building is supposed to be caused by the water, which has been in contact with molten fuel rods for a time and directly released into the turbine building via some, as yet unidentified path. An investigation is underway as to how the water accumulated in the trenches. Measurements could not be carried out at Unit 3 because of the presence of debris.
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