Re: Conclue - can you explain this please
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ArgosyTn on 4/1/2011, 7:00 pm
As ionization technology can be used to increase rainfall underneath these ion rainmakers; the opposite must also be true. Holes in the clouds, where holes would not otherwise be, are direct evidence that scalar technology can deliver these negative ionic bursts into storms reducing their ability to make rain or even the ability of a cloud to provide shade on a hot summer afternoon. These effects can lead to the decrease of severe storm intensity, changes of a hurricanes strength through wind field intensity disruption, and suppression of snow and rain formation in an extratropical storm, the kind most frequently found in the mid latitudes. The holes of negative ion bursts used to thin cloud cover, rain out available moisture in the atmosphere. I am sure many of you have seen those before and have wondered what causes these unusual shapes in the sky.
Is there a word for all of this yes it is weather modification believe it or not. |
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