A trace amount of radioactive contaminants has been detected in rainwater on Jeju Island off South Korea's southern coast, but it was not enough to cause public health concern, the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS) said Thursday. The country's nuclear safety agency said tests conducted on rainwater that fell in the early morning hours of the day showed minuscule traces of iodine-131. KINS, however, noted that though concentration levels were effectively negligible, there was a six-fold increase in iodine-131 in the rain compared to that which fell on the resort island on Monday. Medical experts were quick to play down immediate health risks saying the level detected currently did not pose a health risk. Still, and as the following animation from ZAMG clearly demonstrates, a major cloud of radioactive iodine-131 is currently passing right over South Korea, Japan's closest neighbor. This development has prompted many Koreans to rush to market to buy protective masks, umbrellas and rain coats as well as air filters. Meanwhile, the Korea Meteorological Administration said the atmospheric flow continued to head toward the east at low altitudes near the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant in central Japan and it is unlikely particles will be carried directly to the Korean peninsula. Yet, the animation shows quite the opposite. http://wallstreetpit.com/70091-radioactive-iodine-131-cloud-passes-over-south-korea http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/breaking-news/south-korea-schools-shut-over-radioactive-rain/story-e6frf7jx-1226035420528 DOZENS of South Korean schools have cancelled classes as officials scrambled to quell fears that rain contained radioactive material from Japan's stricken nuclear plant. More than 130 primary schools and kindergartens in Gyeonggi province surrounding the capital Seoul cancelled or cut classes today after rain began falling on orders from the provincial education office. An office spokesman called it part of "preemptive measures for the safety of students". The office had told schools on Wednesday to cancel or shorten classes due to "growing anxiety among students and parents over conflicting claims on the safety of radiation exposure". Schools in remote areas, where students have a long walk to class, were particularly encouraged to cancel activities. At schools which stayed open, teachers were advised to suspend outdoor activities. Complaints from parents mounted on the website of Seoul city's education office, which refused to cancel classes and called for a calm response to the fears. "Please order class cancellation. I'm worried to death about my kid and can't sleep," said one posting. Education authorities in North Chungcheong province south of Gyeonggi postponed football, baseball and other sporting events. Concern grew in the nation closest to Japan after the weather agency said on Monday that radioactive material from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant may be carried to the peninsula by south-easterly winds. The amount of radioactive material contained in the rainfall is too tiny to pose any health threat, the prime minister's office said today, calling for education offices to refrain from "making parents nervous". |