Re: Bradley County TN
Posted by ArgosyTn on 5/1/2011, 5:07 pm
I seen these super cells all around me. I could hear them screaming just like a jet airplane. I saw them in the sky from the lightening flashes. The cells were wedge shaped and very numerous. I counted 3 at one time but couldn't tell if they were on the ground. They just continued to come and intensify. The met I was listening to on the radio said the shear marker on the on cell was 185. He said at the time it had to be a mistake but now I know different.

The area in my town that got the most damage was 4 miles away with some cells estimated at 1/2 mile wide plus. I have been through tornado's before but not EF4's. The sound is one thing I'll never forget the screeching high pitched whine. I still can't believe this from a weather system that should have been not that bad.
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ArgosyTn - JAC, 4/28/2011, 8:43 am
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