Re: ? Re Turks & Caicos Islands
Posted by
Beachlover on 5/4/2011, 2:18 am
Thank you very much, Jim. I wasn't sure how to find this specific info (maybe didn't try hard enough), but am not terribly surprised by it. I'm sure these young people are not interested in what they'd likely view as my "negative" attitude about their honeymoon location (even though I'll be footing the better part of the bill). Was just hoping for some....I don't know what. Comfort, I guess. Ha. But will just have to sit back and take a philosophical attitude. It's bad enough their wedding is forcing us to leave our homestead during the height of hurricane season down here, now I'll have to worry about them, too. {{sigh}} Perils of motherhood, I guess. Is it next year yet??
As much as I wish them clear skies, I suppose if they did have to go through a hurricane of any signifcance they might (operative word "might") garner some idea of why it all stresses me out so much. Assuming they ended up safe, that could be a positive outcome in my book.
Again, I hope it doesn't happen, but it sure seems idiotic to me to plan a trip down there at that time of year.
Thanks for listening, guys.
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? Re Turks & Caicos Islands -
5/2/2011, 2:16 am Post A Reply
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