Possible Hybrid for Japan
Posted by JAC on 5/9/2011, 4:27 pm
FIM is showing 94W spinning up in the WPAC.

http://fim.noaa.gov/FIMscp/jsloop.cgi?dsKeys=fim:&runTime=2011050912&plotName=mslp_sfc&fcstInc=360&numFcsts=41&model=fim&ptitle=Experimental FIM Model Fields&maxFcstLen=240&resizePlot=1&domain=w_pacific&wjet=1

Current position 4.7N 138E

Not much convection at the moment but showing good mid-level PV and a broad anti-cyclone.

Waters too cold to maintain a TC if it makes landfall on the islands.

Most likely an Extra-Trop when it gets that far north.

Either way, not good for Tokyo and surrounding areas.

Could blow and deposit a large amount of Fukushima radiation onto a large population.

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Possible Hybrid for Japan - JAC, 5/9/2011, 4:27 pm
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