Re: New Madrid Seismic Zone graphics, illustrations, diagrams Natural gas pipelines
Posted by
Shalista on 5/16/2011, 9:30 am
I had just watched something on the history channel on Sat night called "Magnitude 10.0". It was taking about all the recent quakes that have been occuring in the last year with the exception of the Japan Earthquake, which I think the program was filmed before that, but anyway, it spoke of where the next possible 10.0 earthquake could occur. It mentioned that at one time where the Mississippi river is in the US that at one time tried to split many years ago before it was inhabited. The program also spoke about the NMSZ and that the resoning for it waking up is that during the ice age the ice pushed down it's weight onto the surface of the ground and now that the earth is coming out of it's ice age, these faults are waking up more and more, but the highest magnitude that the NMSZ would produce would be an 8.0. Interesting program, you should look it up. |
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New Madrid Seismic Zone graphics, illustrations, diagrams Natural gas pipelines -
5/15/2011, 1:06 pm- NLE 2011 Starts Today - JAC, 5/16/2011, 6:54 am
- Re: New Madrid Seismic Zone graphics, illustrations, diagrams Natural gas pipelines - freesong, 5/15/2011, 1:24 pm
- Re: New Madrid Seismic Zone graphics, illustrations, diagrams Natural gas pipelines - Shalista, 5/16/2011, 9:30 am
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