Cant find much on radiation dispersion modeling
Posted by
JAC on 5/18/2011, 7:09 am
Here is the only relevant data I can find.
Everything else is old.
Pretty ugly to say the least.

In this thread:
Three Fukushima Reactors in Full Meltdown. MOX fuel burned thru Pressure Vessel. -
5/18/2011, 6:31 am- Decay heat in Fukushima reactors - ArgosyTn, 5/23/2011, 3:16 pm
- Expert says out of control - JAC, 5/21/2011, 10:19 pm
- Re: Three Fukushima Reactors in Full Meltdown. MOX fuel burned thru Pressure Vessel. - aquaRN, 5/20/2011, 7:08 pm
- Conspiracy theorists & scientists were telling the truth while TEPCO / Government was lying. - JAC, 5/18/2011, 9:06 am
- Cant find much on radiation dispersion modeling - JAC, 5/18/2011, 7:09 am
- Radioactive water released at U.S. request: Cabinet adviser - JAC, 5/18/2011, 6:41 am
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