Harmonic tremor pulse in Katla volcano, Iceland
Posted by JAC on 6/13/2011, 7:04 am
There appears to be an harmonic tremor pulse going on in Katla volcano.

While I currently do not think that this is going to start an eruption.

It is worth watching this harmonic tremor pulse in Katla.

But in the year 1999 this type of activity did result in minor eruption in Katla volcano on the 17. July that year (it is believed).


The source of this tremor pulse is most likely an dike intrusion at great depth inside Katla volcano that is taking place without any earthquake activity.

This has happened before without resulting in an eruption from Katla volcano (besides the event in the year 1999).

I do not think that this means an eruption is going to happen soon.

But this might signal that Katla volcano is about enter an more activity phase then in last few decades.

But if that is going to turn out that way is something that only time can answer.

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Harmonic tremor pulse in Katla volcano, Iceland - JAC, 6/13/2011, 7:04 am
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