Re: weekly predictions
Posted by jimw on 6/15/2011, 4:56 pm
Considering at this point that only a hand full of people have commented on this tells me everything I need to know. Actaully my stats were higher close to the year 2000 than they have been over the past several years and the revenue has been falling. This is not just because of no major hurricane landfalls but social networking ,short text's & sound bytes in the give it to me now society. This decision was based on a horrible business model rather than "an opportunity to pull folks in" as this site has been losing money for years. My blacktop business even in the hardest times at least breaks even so the time and money I put into it makes it worth doing and puts food on the table. If HC was run by any corporation without heart involved it would have been shut down a long time ago as hemorrhaging financially. People seem to think this stuff gets done all for free or a few bucks, I wish. I am competing with teenagers putting 25 updates a day on 94L on thier facebook accounts for free and syndicating it all over the internet .Yes a lot of people use HC when it matters but very few donate, so why would I work all day in the hot sun ,come home & take hours editing rather than relaxing. I needed to cut some of the work load at HC and the weekly predictions were always extra to the mission of HC and a product I dont think most people paid attention to. Now the tropical update videos are even more time consuming when you consider getting images ready, calculating stats on models, going over every scenario takes alot of prep not to mention how many takes to get it right for release, all for free! you should try it some time Steve?. Now comparing apples to apples other hurricane sites with similar traffic are making far more than HC, why? they charge. Call it an"an opportunity to pull folks in" but this chump aint losing no more money or wasting time!
In this thread:
weekly predictions - CypressTX, 6/14/2011, 9:31 am
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