Re: The Battle of Chernobyl
Posted by hanna on 6/16/2011, 9:40 am
Jac no suprise that the goverment kept it secert for decades.  Below is an original film from that nightmare.  

Film maker Vladimir Shevchenko shot this film; 2 weeks after making the film he was dead from cancer.  He died from the massive lethal radiation dosage from standing on top of the building. Watch the helicopter in the video.

This film shows the terrifying images captured by the Russian filmmaker Vladimir Shevchenko on scene at Chernobyl those dreadful days in April 1986. Shevchenko later died suffering from the radiation he exposed himself to. Sadly, his name is not among the official casualties of the accident.
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Fukushima entombed - JAC, 6/16/2011, 7:21 am
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