Re: Hey Doorman and others read
Posted by
Conclue on 7/28/2011, 3:50 pm
Oh doorman please. The minute you screename appears many people can automatically associate it with the word "naysayer". It's this crap all over the board that has me checking threads for two seconds before I'm turned off.
There is little to no science anywhere on this forum and a bunch of folks egocasting.
There's been plenty of times when both of you have been wrong and it's sad because your knowledge is hindered by your personality leaving one with the lack of confidence in what your saying when you act like a child. Your quick to call out others when there wrong but when it's you you say grow up?
I'm only saying something because I keep coming back to the forums hoping the crap being spewed all over stops but alas it's not. I really don't care either way because there are other (better sad to say) forums discussing these topics where scientific debate is prevalant and not "so and so said ..." that seems so popular here.
Furthermore to ALL of you.... NHC has more data available at their disposal than you all can imagine, trust me. If they say it's a TS Don, get over it and move on. NHC will and forever be the best source of information - the rest of you (myself included) are merely opinionaters, period.
Lastly, NONE of us know what the atmosphere will do at any point and time and acting as if you know 100% for sure is a very ignorant thing to say when it pertains to the atmospheric sciences. |
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Hey Doorman and others read -
7/28/2011, 1:18 pm Post A Reply
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