Re: Chris ...take a minute
Posted by
Chris in Tampa on 7/28/2011, 7:57 pm
As for things on my site that you may not be familiar with. You can track live missions in real time within you browser using the Google Earth plugin though it may crash your browser, so don't open it unless you save your work in your browser: (may crash your browser) You can easily add satellite data that way though.
Google Earth is best though. (They you can use your own satellite data too or use my overlay product.)
My main GE product is here: If you do not want the product to fly to the plane each time though as the data updates, you can use this version:
The archive has past missions:
Like here for Don: Click on a product type to view each mission's data for that product.
HDOB for example:
Then you see an overview of all the HDOB data for this mission. Keep in mind however that the data might be wrong. I do not count suspect data in the overall total for each mission, but if some data was wrong but not noted as suspect it will appear there, giving a wildly incorrect impression sometimes. That's unavoidable. Additionally, if a flight passes through an area of high winds high up in the atmosphere well before the storm, like the jet stream, that will make the flight level winds very high in the overall total.
When you click a mission, like HDOBs for mission 3:
You can preview each observations totals in the select box at the top, like highest wind in that observation, lowest pressure, for example. Again, this is raw data and if it was not noted as suspect some of the information could be wrong.
That's about all I can think of for general things. |
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Chris ...take a minute -
7/28/2011, 5:10 pm Post A Reply
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