Emily & Ernesto: Two Peas in a Pod?
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Gianmarc on 8/3/2011, 9:21 pm
You tell me. I'm getting a queasy feeling that I've seen this movie before and I recall how much I enjoyed the conclusion of the last one--NOT AT ALL. Anyone who was here on this message board when Ernesto roamed back in 2006 remembers well just how monumentally frustrating and perplexing a storm that was, with perpetual difficulty nailing down a CoC, so many expecting it to ramp up at some point and it never did, many others expecting it to enter the GoM and bloom there and it never did, and by the time it neared the Bahamas and Florida no one seemed to have an answer for why it never intensified or why it even took the track the it ultimately did. Puke.
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Emily & Ernesto: Two Peas in a Pod? - Gianmarc, 8/3/2011, 9:21 pm Post A Reply
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