Cap is gonna be too strong for SE Texas.
Posted by Will_TX on 8/11/2011, 4:56 pm
When there are ingredients for the rain to begin we always have a frikkin' cap over us.....!!!!!!  Out ground is beginning to crack badly.  Lots of folks are having foundation problems now.  We only need to get to 105 F true temperatur to break the cap..........  Not happening.  It is getting mre dismal by the day.  My dad is selling most of his cows...he live in the Deep East Texas area (Garrison/Nacogdoches).  The well that fed water to the troughs has burn up three pump motors in three months....water to low in the well.   Ponds are dired up.  Area where lakes had water are grassy now.....about twenty yards in form of the pier.
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keeping fingers crossed for you Gianmarc ! - CypressTX, 8/11/2011, 1:49 pm
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