95L may be in the making.......Heading for the Bahamas
Posted by Stormexpert2010 on 8/13/2011, 10:41 am

Well 94L looks to be moving more wnw now and is steered by the surface ridge to its west instead of the small ridge to its east so, 94L will not head for the Bahamas but maybe Bermuda and out to sea.

95L may be in the making today. Another area of disturbed weather has developed southeast of
94L and may be developing a surface low on the east side of the developing convection. This system is moving westsouthwestward towards the Bahamas and may also become a named system in 48 hours.

Satellite loop below


Tropics are heating up...........storm
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95L may be in the making.......Heading for the Bahamas - Stormexpert2010, 8/13/2011, 10:41 am
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