Posted by cyclonebuster on 8/18/2011, 7:52 am
Really there is a lot of difference between catastrophic damage and extreme damage money wise making it a GREAT idea. The storm will weaken prior to its arrival to the devices so damage will be minimal very similar to oil rigs in the GOM today that have even stronger storms hitting them. The amount of electricity generated pays for the devices easy and it will make huge profits since the gulfstream flows 24/7/365. A 81 billion dollar Katrina type storm would have been reduced to a cat1 from a cat3 and damages would have been far less perhaps in the 10 billion dollar range not to mention the over 1000 lives lost. So what would you rather have a 81 billion dollar storm or a 10 billion dollar storm?Globally climate wise if left in cooling phase for longer time periods then we can begin to restore Northern summertime Arctic Ice extent back to what it was prior to the industrial revolution. They are the perfect solution for what we need today. They get us off of foreign oil making us more energy independent.

In this thread:
HOW TO WEAKEN A HURRICANE AND PROFIT FROM IT! - cyclonebuster, 8/17/2011, 10:38 pm
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