Re: Image of all active storms and invest areas
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 8/19/2011, 9:41 pm
Thanks. It's nice this time of year to be able to see people being able to use it. There's so much activity at the moment to track in the tropics. It's nice to have a site that is automated because I don't have the patience that Jim and Fred do to go through tropical data like they do. They do so much work. Once a project is created on my site I can sit back and watch it like everyone else. I must admit I have been too busy lately to check in on the current activity too much. The storms to date have for the most part taken their time to form, but not long until they'll really start cranking and I really hope we don't have so many around when that happens.
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Image of all active storms and invest areas - Chris in Tampa, 8/19/2011, 11:53 am
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