Re: GFS 12 new run
Posted by Conclue on 8/20/2011, 7:28 pm
It varies but yes on average it does begin to become public about 5 hours after run time. Various runs can take different ammounts of time to run, sometimes it's earlier, sometimes later.

I just looked at 18z and it's out up to about Irenes landfall in FL.. The track is nearly identical to the 12Z run however it does spend more time transversing over cuba then the 12Z where it was just north of the island as it moved W/NW. This is gonna be touch and go for days. However, one important thing to note is the track and how devastating it could be for FL if it is able to maintain convection.

I was just messing around with a LIve Earth App for the Iphone and "Irene" (97L in my mind at the time) looked ferious on visible on this app. The size is huge, it has that look. Structure is there however the dry air I think is just supressing convective development. This could be a monster storm, though now I'm interested to really look at model data heavily.

I been so blah this year with Hurricane season and it makes no sense to me; can only attribute it to school wearing my nerves out this last semester. I hope it passes and I get that "Spark" back for this stuff. I feel like I do for a few days and it dies again.

Anyhow, parents are on vacation in Bonita, I was gonna go and changed my mind last minute. I hope I don't miss out on a minimal Hurricane but also hope they don't have to be faced with a devastating Hurricane. Hopefully land interaction keeps this thing at bay because that track looks like a monster sized; instense storm would devastate much of FL. Large storms mean expansive wind fields.
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GFS 12 new run - donh, 8/20/2011, 6:31 pm
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