Re: canetrakker... would like your input as you know South Florida storms
Posted by canetrakker on 8/20/2011, 10:33 pm
Looks like its getting its act together.. Models have it heading this way for days now... NHC forecast points it this direction as well.. A lot of rough terrain between here and there.. the usual questions about how strong will the high be? Where will the turn begin? Long way to go, you know how just the smallest wobbles here & there translates to where it finally ends up...
In this thread:
canetrakker... would like your input as you know South Florida storms - BobbiStorm, 8/20/2011, 8:55 pm
  • Re: canetrakker... would like your input as you know South Florida storms - canetrakker, 8/20/2011, 10:33 pm
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