Re: Irene forcast models
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Chucktowner on 8/21/2011, 2:56 pm
Obviously, the more a storm organizes the better the model consensus. The 1745Z visible sat shot shows what appears to be an eye. Look between the Virgin Islands and St. Kitts.
IF Irene can develop and keep a deep closed center of circulation that's easy to spot on sat shots, then the forecast model consensus will start to be very accurate for short runs. Out 48 plus hours, they spread a lot and become mostly speculation.
Irene is worth monitoring unless you live in Nebraska! If you're on near the coast from Key West to Cape Hatteras, that's another story that will play out this week. This is why we are prepared when the season starts....
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Irene forcast models -
8/21/2011, 2:20 pm Post A Reply
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