Re: ok what is the general community here thinking
Posted by beachman80 on 8/21/2011, 6:27 pm
Curious to see how it is holding up after Hispanola. It's going to go directly over the tallest mountains there. Could rip apart the circulation some, a new one could could be weak....weak storms tend to do weird things. Hard to say yet.

If I were to venture a guess, though, if it slows down more than expected, I think it recurves out to sea down the road. If it maintains a 10-12mph speed the next few days, then Florida may get grazed, and South Carolina will take a hit. If it moves along pretty quick...quicker than expected, then Florida gets hit.
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ok what is the general community here thinking - TFG, 8/21/2011, 5:43 pm
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