Re: Models now targeting the northeast
Posted by canetrakker on 8/22/2011, 5:07 pm
Wow isnt that something? Thats quite the shift from only a couple of days ago.. Shows you how unreliable they are more than 2 days out, at least with this storm.. 1st South Florida was targeted for days & days.. Keys, Miami-Dade, Broward, west coast, east coast everybody was in on the act..Then they started going north up the state, the great St. Augustine hurricane was simulated by a couple of models.. Then Georgia.. The "It Could Happen Tomorrow" Savannah hurricane happened for about 6 hours or so on a model or 2.. Hugo, Floyd & now the northeast... This is the year 2011 & this is the best we got? One would think by now with all this technology if the model is pointing at Miami for 5 days in a row it better at least hit West Palm Beach at the end of the day.. Where is the accuracy & consistency you need to make a reliable forecast? This storm is probably going to do a lot of unexpected things before it's all set & done.. these models seem out of whack with this storm.
In this thread:
Models now targeting the northeast - Gianmarc, 8/22/2011, 4:37 pm
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