Anyone track by hand still... on a map... grocery store or otherwise?
Posted by BobbiStorm on 8/23/2011, 8:59 pm
I've consistently tracked this storm on a Publix map.

I'm not "home" right now, staying at my mother's while she gets some medical procedures done and keeping her company. She doesn't have CNN or TWC....  sneak over to my brothers for that. I have a wifi card or whatever they call it and a bunch of annoying android like devices that need recharging constantly... have just about had it with low life batteries...  

So... along with Ye Olde Weather Radio I decided for fun.. since I'm pretending to be 15 again living at home with my mother I may as well use a real map.

It's interesting. You get a different feel  for the storm and the track. Yes, the programs online are geat and my computer at home is wonderful and my netbook is s l o w and I think dying and I'm trying to talk myself out of an Ipad... to replace it.

But...the point is... when the storm moves slow or speeds up or doesn't really go wnw or 10mph you can really see it.. FEEL it's progress.

I have a huge map on the wall back home.. and a corkboard one with a frame I picked up at a thrift shop but this is a little ole Publix map and got to tell you...

If you haven't done it in a long time or ever.. you got to try it... it's fun and educational in ways.

I've tried in the past and I'm too techno minded to ever manage more than a few entries but nope...this time I did it.

That's not WNW... more north than west but... she is moving slowly and steady into our neck of the world and I am wondering how fast a big storm like this can turn..

Anyone else tracking?

And, if you have advice for a tmobile phone with a long battery life that still does things besides makes fone calls... email me or let me know.

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