Re: these quotes are bone chilling.
Posted by
AquaRN on 8/24/2011, 7:26 pm
You know, I heard those too...and thought that was the strongest I have heard from TWC since maybe Andrew or Katrina. And, to hear both Forbes and Bryan say them was a real reason to pause. Even the 'Local on the 8's' say in red letters...hurricane force winds for the area on Sat..
You guys are correct, they do not hype like some of the other forecast organizations.
Yet, the local mets seem to think that for us it will be only tropical storm force winds as the models are offshore and had been moving east...maybe. Yet I am maybe 25 mi from the Va Bch Oceanfront and I hear from TWC that some models are back peddling a bit.
As a member of Joe Q. Public, I am getting mixed messages and am confused.
Navy here is on Condition 4 (5 is normal operations).
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