Re: Interesting news story regarding power companies
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Chucktowner on 8/25/2011, 11:09 am
Notice that FEMA is not dispatching these power company employees. The power companies are dispatching their people because they know that the locals will overwhelmed.
What is FEMA Doing? This is from FEMA BLOG
In advance of the storm, our Incident Management Assistance Teams have been deployed to areas in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia, in anticipation of further deployment to potential impact areas along the east coast of the U.S.
We're also pre-staging supplies and commodities along the East Coast to supplement state resources if needed - such as bottled water and meals-ready-to-eat. We've set up Incident Support Bases along the East Coast to proactively stage commodities closer to areas potentially affected by severe weather, allowing us to quickly move needed supplies throughout affected states, should they be needed and requested.
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