Re: 72 hr QPE accumulation and a cool Minnesota video.
Posted by AquaRN on 5/29/2012, 3:47 pm
As a Minnesotan...appreciate the post. Incredible.

One side note, wildlife in Minn. is suffering from the heavy rain. The lakes are so full that many shore nesting birds, like the loon, have had their nests and eggs washed away. Sad.

This is a cool cam, but at present the 'live one' of the loon is not up. It was taken out by a recent storm.

Two things, this is a floating nest and a gentleman had to go out  this weekend and lengthen the anchor chain on this as the lake is up over 17 inches and the nest was in danger of being washed away.

The video that is running is also interesing....a loon covering eggs during a recent hail storm. It plays after a short commercial. Talk about a faithful parent!
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Sat of Beryl - hanna, 5/28/2012, 11:07 am
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