Re: Figuring out what to do on Alligator Point
Posted by
Beachlover on 6/25/2012, 1:55 am
Thanks very much, ssherripat. Clears up some things. Looks as if the morning evac of Alligator Point was voluntary; the mandatory wasn't issued 'til 4 p.m. -- still, hours before alligatorob asked our opinion. Whassup with that, I wonder?
Friend of a friend owns a B&B on St. George Island and was visiting in Miami today, and freaked out about what was going on back there. Sounds like a real mess in the Apalachicola area, and, of course, if the (still highly uncertain) NHC current track holds, things could continue to deteriorate there on the east side of the center of ciculation.
Sure hope our current luck holds....knock on driftwood. |
In this thread:
Figuring out what to do on Alligator Point -
6/24/2012, 9:26 pm- Re: Figuring out what to do on Alligator Point - alligatorob, 6/25/2012, 6:42 am
- Re: Figuring out what to do on Alligator Point - alligatorob, 6/24/2012, 11:18 pm
- Really?!?! - Skip Wiley, 6/24/2012, 10:19 pm
- Re: Figuring out what to do on Alligator Point - freesong, 6/24/2012, 10:01 pm
- Re: Figuring out what to do on Alligator Point - Bagdad Ron, 6/24/2012, 9:48 pm
- Re: Figuring out what to do on Alligator Point - gulfbreezegirl, 6/24/2012, 9:40 pm
- Re: Figuring out what to do on Alligator Point - gulfbreezegirl, 6/24/2012, 9:35 pm
- Re: Figuring out what to do on Alligator Point - dogster, 6/24/2012, 9:30 pm
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