Is Debbie Headed South
Posted by
Stedwoo on 6/26/2012, 10:20 pm
Been under rain for 4 days in Lake Wales Fl area and rain finally stopped a few minutes ago. Looking at Sat and regional radar it looks like Debbie is headed south. The bands going over this area just moved to the south versus moving eastward as expected if Debbie was headed east.
Am I imagining (is it a mirage based on an oblong center) or is it really moving south. This has big ramifications for us as we are loading out in morning for New York and if it is going south that rain band that hit north central and NE Florida today would be over us tomorrow.
Sorry cannot be on during summer but tied up ( limited computer access). I keep reading every chance and i get and the way this year is shaping up I may be needing you guys allot. Thanks in advance
Steve W |
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Is Debbie Headed South - Stedwoo, 6/26/2012, 10:20 pm Post A Reply
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