Posted by Chris in Tampa on 8/24/2012, 5:43 pm
That is an interesting comparison to have on one chart. I noticed TWC does something like that too on TV sometimes.

Hanna, to answer your question in another post, sandbags would not help my house. A large section of my house is simply sliding glass doors. It would be too hard to try to sandbag. 25 free sandbags wouldn't do a single layer. 50 probably would not even do it, including the garage and all other doors. If needed, we will put up everything we can up as high as possible, with maybe even a few things in the attic, because again it is more about the water rather than the wind at this point. We did that once before, in 2004. We may not even board up, which my dad did make boards for all the windows, again back in 2004.
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ECMWF vs GFS - cypresstx, 8/24/2012, 5:13 pm
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