Efforts to Relieve Dam Continue in Mississippi
Posted by
hanna on 8/31/2012, 2:58 pm
Aqua this is the most recent article I could find.
Efforts to Relieve Dam Continue in Mississippi By JOHN SCHWARTZ and CAMPBELL ROBERTSON Published: August 31, 2012
BATON ROUGE, La. - Emergency crews continued Friday to relieve pressure on a rain-weakened earthen dam in Mississippi that the authorities down river in Louisiana fear could fail, possibly flooding thousands of homes in a southeastern Louisiana already battered by Hurricane Isaac.
While New Orleans, which suffered catastrophic flooding during Hurricane Katrina seven years ago, breathed a sigh of relief over the $14.5 billion in levee defenses that now ring the city, other parts of the state without such protections have not been so lucky.
In Plaquemines Parish, as the remnants of Hurricane Isaac weakened into a tropical depression and moved north into Arkansas on Friday, officials found the bodies of a man and woman inside a flooded house, parish officials said.
"You see, this is swamp," said T. J. Ockman, 65, who lives not far from the river. His mobile home sits on stilts up on a hill and he does not think it should flood. Still, he was making trips back and forth between his trailer and his pickup truck, clomping up the stairs in his white shrimp boots, packing up his three dogs and a generator. "I'm no fool," he said. "I was raised around the bayou. I've been through a few storms. I know from water."
For the rest. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/01/us/efforts-to-relieve-dam-continue-in-mississippi.html
I don't remember where, not in the expected area, the water rose to a high level nine (9) minutes. No time to evacuate. People got on their roofs just in time.
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