Beachlover I don't...
Posted by
hanna on 9/6/2012, 9:29 am
recall hearing from any one but I did find these not much but something. The first site does have some updates.
Talk about the weather
Don't believe what the Beeb says about Bermuda weather, they say it's raining all the time and it's not! Google weather says the same thing. The only reliable source of information is to 'look out de window' as they say here. The forecast changes so often it's hardly worth looking at more than a day or two in advance.
If you're not here and can't look out of the window, then the Bermuda Weather Service website is the most accurate -
And my personal favorite page, which shows exactly where the rain is (if there is any rain), the Radar page - - you can honestly plan your getaway and hardly even get wet by using this if you have a TV (Cablevision Channel 4, arguably the best channel on TV), computer or iPhone in front of you. |
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