In the E. Pacific 11E.KRISTY will visit Socorro Island
Posted by
hanna on 9/12/2012, 10:08 pm
Socorro Island

Seasons & Conditions
The Revillagigedos Islands trips are only available November through May due to weather conditions. During these months all the mantas and sharks are plentiful. The water temps are 75F - 80F in November, December, beginning of January and late April and May.
In late January, February, March and the beginning of April the water varies between around 70F - 74F, but the humpback whales visit Socorro during the cooler water months. You can hear these gentle giants singing on almost every dive and as previously mentioned, underwater encounters with these whales are increasing every year.
There is really no best time to dive these islands, the diving is unsurpassed through-out the season. For divers looking for adventure, wilderness diving and the opportunity to photograph or interact with some of the planet's biggest creatures, these islands cannot be beat!

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In the E. Pacific 11E.KRISTY will visit Socorro Island - hanna, 9/12/2012, 10:08 pm Post A Reply
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