Commander Fleet Activities Okinawa 4 hours ago Good evening, Okinawa! No doubt everyone is ready to do the "Farewell Jelawat" dance - by candlelight in most cases. Your crack team of assessment crews has already been hard at work trying to get roads clear and power on; please be sure a nd thank them when you see them, as well as the Sailors, Soldiers, Marines and Airmen from our Security Forces and the Navy Hospital who stood the watch in some pretty spartan conditions through this devastating storm. Feel free to chime in with anyone else who deserves a shout out; there was no end to heroics today. The damage is widespread, and we probably won't know the half of it until we've had a chance to take a look at first light. You can expect to transition to "Storm Watch" sometime before morning - but please continue to be careful out there. Jelawat is on a fast track to Tokyo right now, clocking in at 14 knots - and still a very strong storm. Commit this one to memory folks, the next time you're tempted to take the easy way out when the time comes to prepare for a typhoon; Mother Nature has a way of delivering a sucker punch when you least expect it. Stay safe! Stormy ![]() Commander Fleet Activities Okinawa 7 hours ago via mobile We're in TCCOR 1R - STAY INSIDE! Stormy Commander Fleet Activities Okinawa 11 hours ago Although it may be small comfort with your ears popping and windows blowing out ... it's almost over. The eye of Jelawat has moved offshore and we have an hour or two of these monster winds left before things start to taper off. Please re member: when TCCOR 1R (Recovery) is declared, STAY INSIDE. There is massive damage from this storm, and our recovery crews need room to maneuver - and ensure there's nothing that would put you or your family at risk. Stay safe. Stormy ![]() Commander Fleet Activities Okinawa 8 hours ago via mobile Shhhh. Listen. That's the sound of the Jelawat heading North. Oh, and the sound of thousands of cell phone batteries being drained .... Folks we're still in 1E. Jelawat's eye is about 80 miles offshore and heading towards the mainland at about 14 knots. The southern tip of Okinawa is still in the outermost heavy rain band, but that will start moving off island before sundown. There is a LOT of very serious damage out there, shipmates. I don't know if we'll attempt a full "Recovery" before first light, but plan on hunkering down for the night in place. Most of you (including Stormy) are without power, so it may be a little uncomfortable; but the sun will be out tomorrow, and we'll poke our heads out and pull ourselves together. AFTER the recovery crews have done their work. For the time being, stay inside. Stay tuned (if you still have any juice in your iPhone), stay safe. Stormy |