Sites I have found.
Posted by
hanna on 10/29/2012, 11:34 am
This seems to bee a good up date site if any one can find/post others or better ones please do so.
[Update 1:50 a.m. ET] The MTA has posted some incredible photos of a deserted New York on its Flickr feed. Sandbags piled on Broadway. Grand Central Terminal with not a soul in sight. An eerie feel.
The New York City Subway system suspended service starting at 7 p.m. on October 28, 2012, in advance of Hurricane Sandy. This photo shows Times Square, normally the busiest station in the system. The previous systemwide suspension of service took place in August 2011 for Tropical Storm Irene.
Photo: Metropolitan Transportation Authority / Aaron Donovan

MARITIME WORLD NEWS seems to be a good site it is quite for now.
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Sites I have found. - hanna, 10/29/2012, 11:34 am
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