Models looking more like a fish now.
Posted by Target on 11/5/2012, 1:39 am
The models have scattered. I wonder why they would all show the same thing one day then scatter the next.

It's kind of a catch 22.

If you wait and a big storm makes landfall within a few days then you may provide little warning and people may get hurt, and if you make a fuss about the danger of a storm that never actually presents itself then your dire forecast makes you seem like you're crying wolf when the weather system gets mixed up over land.

Perhaps there is no correct answer.

Things are looking better now, but we should probably check back on the models over the next 24 hours.
In this thread:
So sad...batton down the hatches, East Coast, here comes another one... - AquaRN, 11/3/2012, 9:10 pm
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