Re: interesting video
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jimw on 11/6/2012, 11:52 am
Serously? are we going to go all the way back to project storm fury to make an example to claim weather modification caused Sandy, this is nothing but major BS. Project storm fury was proven to be a failure because the seeding would last only as long as the material was in the storm. The cost to maintain to project plus the liability was too much for it to continue but to imply that somehow modification by another country or countries would cause Sandy is simply preposterous since the modification is done in one area. Unless they could prove someone seeded Sandy it has no merit and if Sandy was seeded it would have been a tremendous rain maker which it was not. |
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interesting video -
11/6/2012, 11:26 am- Re: interesting video - jimw, 11/6/2012, 11:52 am
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