Re: The cost of Sandy
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jimw on 11/28/2012, 3:52 pm
Fair assesement as the second most costly but I dont see the comparison to Katrina. Katrina basically leveled everything on the coast and then flooded most of New Orleans. The striking difference is the amount of homes from Katrina that were wiped away and have to start rebuilding from scratch. From what I have seen the majority of homes from Sandy can be salvaged from flooding with a small % a total loss compared to those that survived. I cringe everytime I hear someone compare this to Katrina and from what I understand the financial losses would natuarally be more in the N.E because more businesses were impacted by shutting down which puts the dollar amount higher. |
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The cost of Sandy -
11/27/2012, 12:53 pm- Re: The cost of Sandy - jimw, 11/28/2012, 3:52 pm
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