Learning Science the SOS Way:
Posted by
hanna on 12/13/2012, 9:31 am
Science On a Sphere Celebrates 10 years by Sara Summers
"Science On a Sphere was amazing. I can't believe I got to see real clouds, hurricanes, airplanes, tsunamis, Mars and Facebook friends all in one stop!" -Paul, 5th grader from Colorado
One of the major challenges facing earth scientists is how to make their research interesting, understandable and memorable to people of all ages. Science On a Sphere (SOS) is an exhibit that uses video projectors to shine images of the earth onto a giant globe. Scientists can choose to show different types of movies on the globe, displaying weather patterns, hurricanes, and even the shift of the continents. Instead of looking at a flat surface, viewers can see these changes as they actually appear on Earth. Science on a Sphere gives visitors a chance to walk around the world to observe for themselves the changes on our planet.
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Learning Science the SOS Way: - hanna, 12/13/2012, 9:31 am Post A Reply
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