The So. Hem invest now 08S.NARELLE will become a monster
Posted by
hanna on 1/8/2013, 7:22 pm
So. Hem invest now 08S.NARELLE For now The Australian web site has Narelle as a cat 3, check the web site below the first 2 images it says cat 3.
Yes it is old. The Navy says it is expected get up to 160 kts or 184.125 mph. For now it looks like Australia will not get hit. I would keep my eyes open.
97S.INVEST has been canceled __________________________________________________________________
In the Indian Ocean there is 90B.INVEST.
The West Pacific has 2 new invests and Sonamu dying out but heading to the large land mass in Malaysia more specifically it looks like it will be nearing Sarikei, Malaysia.
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The So. Hem invest now 08S.NARELLE will become a monster - hanna, 1/8/2013, 7:22 pm Post A Reply
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