Re: Superstorm '93, 20 Years later
Posted by
hanna on 3/17/2013, 10:14 am
I remember the storm of the century quite well. I was reading in bed when a shower rolled through about ten minutes later I got the feeling I must close my bedroom windows (east view) shortly there after I heard my blinds (west view) banging, I had to struggle to open my front door all my plants were on the ground. I decided to wait sunrise to check things out. Good thing I did I had been in a tornado. My location at the time S. Fl. No I did not hear a train sound. Thanks Shalista. |
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Superstorm '93, 20 Years later -
3/13/2013, 10:39 am- Re: Superstorm '93, 20 Years later - hanna, 3/17/2013, 10:14 am
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