10 Years of Weather History in 3 Minutes
Posted by
cypresstx on 8/19/2013, 1:55 pm
from NOAA Visualizations' Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/NOAAVisualizations
Published on Aug 19, 2013
NOAA's GOES-12 satellite was decommissioned on August 16th, 2013 after 3,788 days in service. From April 2003 -- May 2010, GOES-12 served as GOES East, providing "eye in the sky" monitoring for such memorable events as the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season and the series of blizzards during the winter of 2009-2010. After suffering thruster control issues, GOES-12 was taken out of normal service and moved to provide greater coverage of the Southern Hemisphere as the first-ever GOES South. During that time it provided enhanced severe weather monitoring for South America.
This animation shows one image from each day of the satellite's life -- a total of 3,641 full disk visible images.
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GOES 12 retired from service -
8/17/2013, 11:28 am Post A Reply
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