95L - High chance to become TD6 or Tropical Storm Fernand
Posted by
tvsteve on 8/25/2013, 11:32 am
Invest 95L organizes early Sunday in the Bay of Campeche. It survived its track Saturday over the Yucatan and thunderstorms explode over the warm southern Gulf Sunday. There is a noticeable counterclockwise spin on enhanced satellite imagery but the area of low pressure itself is still broad early Sunday. A Hurricane Reconnaissance Aircraft heads into the region Sunday afternoon. If they find a center of circulation Invest 95L could become Tropical Depression six or a weak Tropical Storm Fernand. The NHC puts these odds at 60% in their 8 AM outlook. While Gulf waters are in the mid 80s and upper level winds are favorable for development the area of low pressure moves into eastern Mexico Monday. There is only a small window of opportunity for something to quickly spin up. Strong high pressure aloft guides the low towards Mexico. It is no threat to the U.S.

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