from: "The worst day was probably Thursday, Sept. 22, as every conceivable evacuation route was clogged well past capacity. For example, Texas 146, which travels through Liberty County, dumped 600,000 people into a county with only 70,000 residents," Eight years ago, Hurricane Rita threatened the Texas Gulf Coast, leading to the largest evacuation in U.S. history. Somewhere between 2.7 million and 3.7 million people evacuated the Houston area in September 2005. Drivers clogged the roads trying to get away from the coast, causing traffic jams that stretched for miles. Heat exhaustion and accidents killed dozens during the evacuation. The exodus was prompted by Hurricane Katrina, which destroyed New Orleans just three weeks before Rita's arrival. evacuation pics In Baton Rouge, La., Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco called for the evacuation of a nearly half a million people in the southwest portion of her state. "Head north, head north," she said. "You cannot go east, you cannot go west, head north. If you know the local roads that go north, take those." Noting the difficulty medical examiners have had in identifying the dead from Hurricane Katrina, Ms. Blanco offered morbid advice to those who refuse to evacuate. "Perhaps they should write their Social Security numbers on their arms in indelible ink," she said. HRD Wind Analysis I will never forget the idiot young weather guy on KHOU telling everyone "Houston can rebuild", while having what can only be described as an emotional breakdown during his weather forecast, this fully 2 days before she made landfall (not in Houston) I believe he was responsible for at least 1/2 million people fleeing & clogging roads, jmo... Of course he's now chief meteorologist, I guess sensationalism sells... pity... |