Re: Typhoon Haiyan Aftermath - CNN Image Gallery
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Chris in Tampa on 11/10/2013, 10:22 pm
If there is something left standing, it is extremely unlikely that the area you are looking at was hit by category 5 winds or the worst surge. I hate when media show something and present it as if something you are looking at being recorded during the storm is as bad as it got. No one got video of category 5 winds and the worst damage actually occurring. (They would not likely be alive.) The areas that got hit hardest do not exist anymore. There is nothing much but foundations. (Although some of that is due to surge and of course some is from wind and surge. Maybe some concrete structures by chance are still standing.) The video from one of the chasers they had on the news tonight was absolutely insane. To get out of the worst winds he jumped in the pool. How idiotic. Video is important to show what the wind at lower storm categories looks like so people know somewhat the conditions of those wind categories. (And hopefully that will encourage people to evacuate the next time around.) I'm afraid some people might look at some of the areas and video and think they survived a category five hurricane when that is not what they actually got. You can tell from some of the images I have seen, where there is pretty much absolutely nothing left. They got some of the worst of the storm. If there is anything that is not a concrete wall left standing, they did not get the worst of the storm and I hope anyone at those particular locations do not get the false impression that they survived the worst. For an area that gets hit by some of the strongest storms on record, it is important to understand that the absolute strongest winds are in a smaller core around the center that may have missed a particular area this time. A lesser storm might come and make a direct impact on an area that survived better this time and surprise people with a lot worse conditions due to being hit more directly by the core. I don't know, but I bet that was the case this time. |
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