Re: dripping faucets cause icicles
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Chris in Tampa on 1/24/2014, 11:50 pm
I saw some of those models. Even the Euro apparently wanted to drop the temp in my area into the mid to upper 20's, although I don't see anyone going with that forecast around here for mid next week. But as for snow, or anything frozen, it would appear, although I have not seen confirmation, that there may have been something a little frozen in spots in even the panhandle of Florida today, so why not in the Carolinas.
My grandparents know I love snow, so my grandfather was saying this morning about how I probably wish I was there for the cold weather they were having. I told him, no, not without snow! My grandparents in southern TN were in the upper single digits and then my uncle which lives a little higher about a half hour from there got down to 1. Lows around 40 without snow here in Tampa are just fine with me. |
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